Heeft jouw onderneming geen vaste interim professional die het overneemt als de huidige assistant met vakantie, verlof of ziek is?
Ben jij ondernemer en wil je jouw focus op de corebusiness houden en je niet bezig houden met de randzaken en details?
Ben jij een support professional die graag onbezorgd met verlof wilt, zodat alle zaken door kunnen gaan en jij uitgerust terugkomt zonder die achterstand te moeten wegwerken?
Herkenbaar? Dan kom ik graag in gesprek met jou!
Business Support
Improvement support
Virtual support
Wat anderen over mij zeggen
Kim is a consummate professional.
As a former leader and colleague of Kim – she is detail-oriented, results-driven and friendly. I will always be grateful for Kim’s exceptional professionalism and care for ensuring my transition to Philips Lighting was smooth and successful – she was instrumental in helping me to get to know the company and my team during my first months at Philips Lighting – the result – a successful transition and first year!
For me Kim is the role model of the profession of P.A.
“During the time I was working as Senior Director Human Resources of Philips Consumer Electronics I worked quite intensively with Kim. Remarkable in those days already was her passion, pride and dedication for the role of personal assistant. She convinced me this is a profession which you can learn, study and develop. Amongst and with others we initiated a project in order to develop newly hired assistants. Years later when Kim joined Philips Lighting we developed a program called DirectUs. A professional program for developing assistants and secretaries. My role was to sponsor the project both financially and from leadership perspective and Kim was, as GreenBelt ProjectLeader responsible (together with the project team) for content, training and initiatives in order to professionalize the profession. This again she did with high standard setting and high quality. Later she went to work as an interim assistant for the Board of Royal Philips in case Frans van Houten cum suis. For me Kim is the role model of the profession of P.A.”
Ik heb samengewerkt met